Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011
Terapan Manajemen SDM di Sektor Informal
Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang penerapan job design pada sektor informal. Sebagai contoh saya melakukan pengamatan pada warung yang terletak di dekat rumah. Warung ini pada umumnya merupakan market kecil dalam kapasitas rumah tangga harian. Untuk karyawan warung, si pemilik ternyata memberikan pekerjaan secara tidak langsung pada anggota keluarganya sendiri. Ia mengatakan anak-anaknya membantu untuk menjaga warung bila sedang di rumah. Tidak ada kualifikasi khusus yang diberikan si pemilik untuk perekrutan karyawan ini asalkan mereka disiplin saat menjaga dan dapat melayani pelanggan dengan baik. Saat warung ini berdiri, anak bungsunya yang baru berusia 16 tahun pun turut membantu usaha warung tersebut. Untuk masalah gaji tidak terlalu dipermasalahkan karena warung ini merupakan usaha keluarga.
Dari sini dapat kita simpulkan bahwa penerapan job design di sektor informal cenderung tidaklah rumit seperti sektor formal (perusahaan). Bahkan bisa dibilang penerapannya sangatlah sederhana.
Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011
Membaca Peluang Pasar
Populasi penduduk di Indonesia memanglah sangat banyak pada masa kini. Maka dari itu tidaklah menjadi suatu keheranan bila kita sebagai pelaku ekonomi harus dapat membaca peluang pasar yang ada di sekitar karena tidak semua orang akan menggantungkan hidupnya dengan mencari lapangan pekerjaan dan bekerja di suatu perusahaan. Definisi pasar di sini yaitu konsumen pribadi atau organisasi perusahaan yang mempunyai kebutuhan dan keinginan dalam wujud sebagai permintaan tehadap suatu barang atau jasa. Jadi sebelum produsen menjalankan usahanya sendiri (wirausaha) terlebih dulu ia harus dapat memahami bagaimana caranya membaca peluang pasar.
Ada pun 4P yang harus ditentukan oleh produsen sebelum menjalankan usahanya, yaitu:
- Product (Produk), dapat berupa barang ataupun jasa.
- Price (Harga), produsen perlu mengetahui harga pasar dari produk yang akan dikeluarkan untuk dapat bersaing dengan pasar lainnya.
- Placement (Penempatan), mencari tempat yang strategis agar usahanya terus berjalan.
- Promotion (Promosi), untuk mengenalkan produk dan menarik konsumen.
Sebagai contoh Bu Susi adalah seorang produsen yang akan menjalankan usahanya di kota Depok. Ia pun mengamat-amati kota Depok yang ternyata banyak universitas terletak di sana (seperti Universitas Gunadarma, Universitas Indonesia, BSI). Ia juga melihat banyak rumah kos dan tempat makan di sekitarnya. Setelah bertanya-tanya pada mahasiswa yang meninggali tempat kos, ternyata tidak banyak tempat kos yang menyediakan layanan cuci pakaian. Mereka juga mengatakan agak malas dan kadang tidak sempat untuk mencuci pakaian. Bu Susi pun mempunyai ide untuk membuka usaha cuci pakaian (laundry). Ia memilih tempat di dekat rumah kos agar tidak terlalu jauh dan mudah dijangkau oleh para konsumennya. Setelah mematok harga dan memberitahukan mahasiswa setempat tentang usaha laundry-nya, Bu Susi pun mulai manjalankan usahanya tersebut.
Rabu, 08 Juni 2011
Lay-Out and Parts of Bussiness Letter
Parts of Bussiness Letter above :
1. The Heading
2. The Date
3. The Inside Address
4. The Salutation
5. The Body of the Letter
6. The Complimentary Close
7. The Signature
Tenses: Simple Past, Present Perfect, Past Perfect
1. (+) They went to my grandma’s house last week.
(-) They didn’t go to my grandma’s house last week.
(?) Did they go to my grandma’s house last week?
2. (+) Ashley came here a day before yesterday.
(-) Ashley didn’t come here a day before yesterday.
(?) Did Ashley come here a day before yesterday?
3. (+) Kenneth ate sausage for breakfast today.
(-) Kenneth didn’t eat sausage for breakfast today.
(?) Did Kenneth eat sausage for breakfast today?
4. (+) Margie grilled some fish a year ago.
(-) Margie didn’t grill any fish a year ago.
(?) Did Margie grill some fish a year ago?
5. (+) Leon enjoyed the movie last night.
(-) Leon didn’t enjoy the movie last night.
(?) Did Leon enjoy the movie last night?
B. Present Perfect
1. (+) I have learned English since 10 years ago.
(-) I haven’t learned English.
(?) Have I learned English?
2. (+) My parent has lived here for three months.
(-) My parent hasn’t lived here for three months.
(?) Has my parent lived here for three months?
3. (+) They have eaten pizza.
(-) They have not eaten pizza.
(?) Have they eaten pizza?
4. (+) Celine has written a letter already.
(-) Celine hasn’t written a letter.
(?) Has Celine written a letter?
5. (+) Georg has increased his swordsmanship.
(-) Georg has not increased his swordsmanship.
(?)Has Georg increased his swordsmanship?
C. Past Perfect
1. (+) We had been in this city for over two weeks.
(-) We had not been in this city for over two weeks.
(?)Had we been in this city for over two weeks?
2. (+) Philip had finished his essay when Mrs. Jean called him.
(-) Phillip hadn’t finished his essay when Mrs. Jean called him.
(?) Had Phillip finished his essay when Mrs. Jean called him?
3. (+)Joe had studied math before he went to school.
(-) Joe had not studied math before he went to school.
(?) Had Joe studied math before he went to school?
4. (+) Ellie had given me a bandage when I got hurt.
(-) Ellie had not given me a bandage when I got hurt.
(?) Had Ellie given me a bandage when I got hurt?
5. (+) Victoria had missed her husband Nick when he worked in USA.
(-) Victoria had not missed her husband Nick when he worked in USA.
(?) Had Victoria missed her husband Nick when he worked
Selasa, 07 Juni 2011
Let's Learn About Noun Clause
A Noun Clause is a group of words which contains a subject and a predicate of its own and does the work of a noun. In other words, a noun clause is used in the same ways as a noun.
A. I wished to go to Chicago.
B. I wished that I would go to Chicago.
Let’s see, ‘go to Chicago’ in sentence A doesn’t have subject and predicate. ‘go to Chicago’ is functioning as a noun only.
In sentence B, the group of words ‘that I would go to Chicago’ has a subject (refer to ‘I’) and predicate (refer to ‘go’). But this group of words also has function as a noun. Since this group used as a noun and a clause (for being an object for verb ‘go’), therefore it is what we calls Noun Clause.
- He afraid he would get hit.
- What they said saddened me.
- Nobody knows where she lives.
- I wonder what the package is.
- I think Doug would get surprised.
I just learned it from http://www.english-for-students.com/Noun-Clause.html
Please be free to learn :D
Kamis, 14 April 2011
Direct – Indirect Speech
6. I asked him, “Did you go the party last night?”
- I asked him whether he went the party last night.
7. He asked me, “How long have you studied English?”
- He asked me how long I had English.
8. She asked to me, “Have you any money?”
- She asked to me whether I had any money.
9. Amy asked, “Are you going to eat in the cafeteria?”
- Amy asked if I was going to eat in the cafeteria.
10. Della asked, “Where are you going on your vacation?”
- Della asked where I was going on my vacation.
II. Statement Part
2. David said, “The plane will probably get in late.”
- David said the plane would probably get in late.
4. The doctor said, “She’ll get well quickly.”
- The doctor said she would get well quickly.
6. Richard said, “I saw the movie last week.”
- Richard said that he had seen the movie last week.
8. Suzanne said to her boyfriend, “I can’t go tonight.”
- Suzanne said to her boyfriend that she couldn’t go last night.
10. She said to him, “The lights aren’t working.”
- She said to him that the lights weren’t working.
12. The boy said, “I’m only eight years old.”
- The boy said he was only eight years old.
14. Ms. Bremer said, “I don’t do business that way.”
- Ms. Bremer said that she didn’t do business that way.
Kamis, 03 Maret 2011
Curriculum Vitae
Full Name: Yulia Kristina Bitanto
Sex: Female
Place, Date of Birth: Bogor, 10th of July 1992
Nationality: Indonesia
Marital Status: Single
Height, Weight: 158 cm, 46 kg
Health: Perfect
Religion: Christian
Address: Dian Asri II blok AIV Numb.4 Cibinong, Bogor
Mobile: 08578258****
E-mail: hieigemblung@yahoo.com
Educational Background
1996 - 1998: Mardi Yuana Kindergarten, Cibinong
1998 - 2004: Mardi Waluya Elementary School, Cibinong
2004 - 2007: Puspanegara Junior High School, Citeureup
2007 - 2010: Senior High School No.1, Cibinong
2010 - NOW: Economy Management at Gunadarma University, Depok
Direct - Indirect Speech
>> The technician said that the laboratory had been already sent in the report.